On behalf of Morna Challoner of Challoner Law posted in Domestic Violence on Sunday, August 6, 2017.
Anger is a natural human reaction. Everyone in California will feel angry and a slew of other emotions from time to time. But what about when someone’s anger manifests into something physical? Should a person and their family live in fear of that person and their actions?
The answer is no. Whatever prompts a person’s angry outbursts is unique to them alone, but a family needn’t suffer when a person’s anger turns violent. Domestic violence happens more than some people think, so getting it under control is key to a safe and happy household. Children shouldn’t be exposed to dangerous situations in which, for example, a parent is violent with their spouse or the children themselves.
There are many ways to seek help if you or something you know is in a situation in which domestic violence has impacted lives. At Challoner Law, we sympathize with the victims of domestic violence and want to help them move forward with healthy and terror-free lives. Divorce is one way to stop domestic violence from seeping into your own or your children’s lives. Domestic violence can be physical or emotional, so it’s important to put a person’s violent actions on record to ensure that the child custody process goes as it should during a divorce.
A parent will no-doubt face challenges in the face of domestic violence. Getting out of that situation can sometimes be the toughest, yet most effective way, to keep yourself or children safe. Only then can a family pick up the pieces and move forward. Hopefully, the person initiating domestic violence behavior can get the help they need to control their emotions and their outbursts.